me and a group of friends went to Mersing
to catch the sunrise..
My journey began at 3 a.m. in the morning..
The last time I embark on a touring journey this early in the morning,
we took the highway..
this time they decided to go through trunk roads..
the moment we started the trunk road,
my heart was beating so fast
that I felt weak...hihi..
It was pitch black all the way~~~
yes, I could not see anything ahead, behind
and on the right and left of me...
Except a few metres ahead
due to the HID light dear bought...
Thank God you purchased it dear..:)
My mind was imagining lots of nonsensical and scary thoughts..
Once in a while I saw something flying above us...
I tried to keep thinking that its a bird or a bat or a moth...
I was tempted to see what is on my left and right side
but I couldnt bring myself to..
we did stop by a roadside though,
somewhere with light..
just for a quick stretch...
Albeit all that eerie thoughts and moments,
We finally reached our destination!
it was 6.30 a.m.
This was when the sun showed a teeny wee bit of it brightness...
Chao heated some coffee and milo for all of us...
Mess tin and all, feeling camping camping gitu..;)
It was too cloudy..
and we didnt get to see the sun rise...
too bad...:(
But with great company,
comes great fun...
we all sat and chat and rest
and took pictures...
Me and Joan...
Surprisingly we have the same watch..
These have got to be my fav pictures of the day..:)
hehe..Always wanted to take a picture like that..
and this one!
One of their crazy ideas...
Chao looks like he's enjoying the attention...
And then we had breakfast somewhere near
and the food was
We headed to our next destination,
Kota tinggi...
kononnya mereka ni gian nk mandi air terjun...
unfortunately it was raining when we got there...
so we rested for a while and waited...
and when the rain stopped,
those who were excited to get into the water jump in..
I watched...hihi...
These are a few of the pictures at Kota Tinggi..
And our final destination,
was dinner at our fav spot...
They all wanted to eat
and I saw this particular cat,
which reminded me of the puss in boot in the shrek...
big round eyes...

and thats all from me folks!
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