Nurul 1

Monday, July 07, 2008

Giller pun tak rigorous macam nie

Did you read yesterday's article in Berita Minggu??

Its about this nenek who had to live with her name
for 82 years....
Not that that is a bad thing,
except that her name is BEER!!

I felt for her when I read about it
this morning...

What in the world was her father thinking?!?!
or maybe even the person who wrote her name for registration?!?!


Thank God she finally got her name changed
and she can have a peace of mind...

This reminds me of my "apa ada pada nama??" entry....

Oh Gosh!

My whole body is aching terribly....
All because of Saturday's gym session...
It was rigorous, everything about the session was RIGOROUS giller..
Giller pun tak rigorous mcm nie.....

I think I should stick to working out by myself at the gym
and not to follow my trainer's pace...


Sitting or walking pun like pregnant woman like that...
very terhegeh...

My biceps feel like it is going to fall off
anytime soon...
all thanks to the DUMBell..


Sendiri cari pasal,
sendiri tanggung lah babe...

But never mind...
All these is going to be worthwhile
when I get my free body massage...


im out.


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