Nurul 1

Friday, January 26, 2007

PHD modern

Im hurt by some people...
hurt with a capital 'H'..

im going to thank that person for this,
because from this, i learnt what friendship really means..

it means you can pretend to be nice in front of your friend
backstab her behind her back..

it means you can suddenly show you care
when actually
you've done something to 'kill' her..

it means you can act excited to be meeting her
when actually
you're having guilty-conscience!

whatever i write on my blog is mine...
which i share with people...
but STILL it's mine....

when i dont wish to tell every single little detail of my life,
i DONT want to tell...

why force me?
and in the end provoke me?
and come up with tell tales as if i am the most naive person in the whole wide web (read:world)

this incident makes me realise,
sometimes its better not to have friends...
its better not to have close friends...

dont blame me for feeling like this....
blame those who caused this...

the norm is,
when we become closer to a person,
we tend to take advantage of him/her...
we never consider their feelings...
we forgot how to appreciate them...
we forgot how to respect them...

Jasa yang lalu tak pernah dikenang,
malah sanggup pula 'membunuh' sahabat sendiri...
terima kasih 'sahabat'...:(

p/s: PHD yg ditayang-tayang kini adalah Penyakit Hasad Dengki...

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