Nurul 1

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

ASSIIUM phototaking session

hey all!
i just came from the ASSIIUM phototaking sessions in front of the library..

IIU is having this company from outside (i think)
taking photographs of students of different batches from different kulliyah..

the EXCO called us all Singaporeans to take group photos for memories...

i was a bit hesitant in the beginning...
(dont ask y)
but alas,
i relented and joined them...

after much persuasion by my fwenz..
how could i not, rite? :)

all went well,
i cant wait to have a look at the pix...


it's back to midterms and craziness (read:assignments)

p/s: looking forward to 9th feb-Communication dept phototaking session..yippie!

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