Nurul 1

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

les miserable

three midterms for this week...
one down two more to go...

Dip comm really scared me..
i felt really confused with what was it that the lecturer wants..:(
whatever it was,
i did the best i could,
i'll just tawakkal 'alallah..

tomorrow is statistic!!
seram kaan...
but i already studied and did my revisions almost everyday...

i dont mind the calculations..
i've even memorized the formulas
im only a bit scared about the spss output..
i just have to go familiarise myself with it tomorrow before the exam...

Oh Allah,
Help me.....

Im feeling down..
i cant read the newspapers anymore...
i cant watch news on tv without feeling miserable each time...

i sympathise those in JB...
the flood has taken away their valuables, their land, their home...

Oh Allah...
only You know what is best for the people...
only You have the power to change things according to your will..
only You listens to our prayers...

p/s: im missing home....ceh, miss home ke........miss.......erk...ehem....:p


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