spent at my aunt's wedding..
what did i do there?
sit around with nyais and yais,
and aunts and uncles..
listened to them talking abt marriage,
life, and yada yada yada...
its kinda boring though..
but at times they're quite funny..
boleh tahan lawak gak datok2 nenek2 sdare aku nih..
apart from that,
wedding ceremonies like this are the only time
i would get to meet all my relatives..
i really mean ALL...
dah besar2 drg semer...
let the pix do the talking..
im terribly tired...
the cam whores..ahakz

cik Dada..

the Nikah...

the arrival of the Groom..

my family with the bride and groom..

me and cik yati...gals in green...

the cake cutting ceremony...

selamat pengantin Baru Rashidah bte wosaini (cik Dada) & Muhd Farhan..

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