Nurul 1

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Surreal Yesterday

Yesterday felt surreal..
We've been waiting, for the day with much anticipation
that when it actually came,
we didn't know what we should do...

We looked around for a bit...
Browse and commented a lot...
Its hard to have two different opinions
and want the best choice for both
at the same time.....

We had to scrutinise every single detail....

And then,

There was the perfect place
that met our expectation...

To satisfy our curiosity,
we went to check out the place...

Oh yes! It was love at first sight....
The size,
The community centre,
The market place,
The bustop,
The MRT,
The Mall,
The neighbour,
The Place itself is so welcoming....

It felt right.....

We were both at peace with the place,
we started to imagine what we could do to it...
Sprucing it up with this and that,
How we are going to go about going to work
and even
which room is for what....

That's how surreal it is,

And than we applied....

The number of many others like us
who applied was way too many....

5th November,
We are keeping our hopes up..
So that it will become ours,
One Day....

Marks our journey to embark on the future....


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