Nurul 1

Friday, October 03, 2008

My super low key raya...

As known,
my éid was low key...

But prior to the news that my Gradma was admitted to hospital,
My family was still at home...

My bro and his family came...

Had a little fun with lil'Dini..
She and her Barney bagai tak dapat dipisahkan lagi...

I gave her my camera and...
voila! shes a pro for kids her age..;)

She just couldnt stop shooting...
Boy, was I entertained...

These are some of the peek-chas she took...

Complete family portrait...

My bro and his family...

And there she is..
Miss Dini aka "I-am-Barney's-number-1-fan"

Raya treats....

My zakat for the kiddos...
(I've got a gazillion little cousins, nieces and nephews..kwang3)

And thats all
Coz I cant possibly take pictures in the hospital
can I...

PS: There goes my surprise...Surprise!! ;)

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