Nurul 1

Monday, April 07, 2008

Memorable one

Bday update....

Now the whole world knows im 24 years old..:p

dont forget, age is just a NUMBER...;)

I had a simple but memorable day on Saturday..
apart from the new toy I got from my parents,
which is the sony cybershot W120,
my dad, mom and lil bro fitri gave me individual presents too..


a gorgeous new blouse with matching brooch,
my fav perfume set
and a new watch (mine was hopeless already),

and then we went for lunch at Siam Kitchen,
all paid for by Maman..
apa lagi, I ordered everything I like on the menu..;)

and then,
all of the sudden, dont know from where,
appeared this lovely birthday cake..
a swensens winnie the pooh ICE CREAM cake!

I loike!! :)

After all that,
I had the most wonderful closure for 5th April 2008,

Dear brought me to Carousel for a romantic dinner for two..;)
Thank God i was all dressed up for the occassion...

Food was great,
service was tip top
ambience was romantic
plus the fact we got a seat for two at a nice corner...

I was trying foods that i normally wouldnt,
I was laughing and laughing to his antics,
I swear
I wouldnt forget that moment forever...

Forgive me for being mushy here,
Heck! why am i apologizing, its MY blog..:p
Thank you very much dear for making my b'day
even more meaningful,
especially the birthday song you modified for me
exactly at the beginning and the end of 5th April..
So sweet..:)

Love you for everything...
and yes,
I am happy being with you! :)

im out.


p/s: want to give my new toy a name, but what eh?

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