Nurul 1

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A girl's new bestfriend

I am not a coffee drinker..

I still remembered during my school days,
friends suggested coffee for staying up late
to study..

I tried,
But I just could not love it..
Coffee did not deter me from sleeping either..

The taste, urgh...
It stayed in my throat like forever...

But I do love the delicious aroma of coffee..

starbucks introduced its new
'Dulce De Leche'

Its a milky caramelly coffee...
I heard about it on Radio..
Mind you, the message was persuasive,
at least for non-coffee drinker like me...

I decided to give it a try...


I CANT stop....

Instead of the usual Chocolate Frappucino
I always ordered at each starbucks visit,
I bought the Dulce De Leche....

Its got the usual coffee taste,
but a bit more milky and caramelly....

a sip of the coffee,
I swear I thought I was in heaven...


Starbucks has been my faithful
lunch buddy..

I made starbucks rich
just by religiously buying the choc frap
and now, Dulce de leche....!

They should award me!! ;)

Coffee and newspaper
my new bestfriend,
my daily staple....:)

Will miss starbucks when I change work..

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