That explains how bored i am at work today...
For every working man/woman,
Its almost inevitable for us to have lunch outside..
or maybe bring our lunch from home to eat at the office..
As for me,
No question,
like it or not,
I have to buy lunch at beach road hawker centre..
my aunt said
im lucky coz,
the food there is nice...
I beg to differ....
i found this......
Nasi goreng kampung.....
Its yummy AND spicy...
sampai sekarang masih boleh bau belacannya..hihi...;)
i loike!!
I tried to make a mental note
of the stall's name...
i forgot.....
but the stall is situated next to the nasi ayam penyet stall..:)
nak sidetrack sikit.....
It's my bro's birthday today...!
Muhammad Fitri Bin Agost

12 years old sey.....
besar nah dekni....
happy birthday!!
makin besar no need to be so loyar buruk hokay....
study hard for your PSLE....plsssssss.....
Sidetrack lagi...
will be going for an in-house talk today...
entitled: ethical and faith based investment.
Big topic...
sounds interesting...
im anticipating....
dont dissapoint me.....
im out.
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