I soooooo have so many things to say...
we'll see if i could squeeze e'thing into one..
Lets begin on a happy note..
Watched Alvin and the chipmunks last night
with the ESR gang..
It's super-duper-CUTE-and hilariously funny...
I'm in love with Theodore!!
I'm waiting for any toy company to come out
with the chipmunks doll..
i want to get one medium sized Theodore for myself~~
I want I want....
I know i sounded childish...
But that's what got into me these days...
The childish me is out..
a teeny weeny bit of issue oso
want to cry...:(
probably PMS..hmm..But never mind....
I care,
But you just didnt want to put that fact in
you brain...
I love,
you know but you just didnt want to put
the facts together...
I'm begging you...
Im slacking at work...
I need to go for a facial and a good
rejuvenating massage...
I look terrible..
Tired like hell...
undereye ring is getting worse...
Hormones gone haywire....
Please i need a good 2-3 hrs pampering!
Melampau nah aku...I forgot to take the two most important numbers from TWO clients earlier this morning..mrepek kaaaaan.....:((client ni pun datang tak agak2..I just reached the office...barely settled down,and tadaah!there they are...ish!:(now, what am i to tell Boss eh..haiyyah....******************************************************Its been weeks,and i still cant figure out what food and gift to bring for the X'mas party...Malasnyer nk fikir...******************************************************
And although its belated,
i still want to wish my mom a happy B'dae...!!
happy b'dae mom!
and thanx to my Siblings and SIL
and niece for being there at the dinner...
Thanx to kak diella
for the lovely cuppies..
its too pretty,
that we couldnt decide on which one
to eat first..
It took us a full minute
just admiring the cuppies...
and talking about that,
I ordered a new blouse from dedistrictfashion..
and i loike!
thanx sis!
gonna wear it next week
when i finally get to buy a new tudung to match...
Tomorrow is 'eid..
I wish all muslims a Happy 'eid...
quickly come back to Singapore..
I miss you already...
oh God,
Im jumping from all over the blog...