Nurul 1

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

yay! tomorrow is final exam...;)


Im at the CC right now...

ok, i've got my first final exam paper tomorrow morning and.......
what am i doing here for?????


k k,
i need to print my examination slip,
but the Q, takleh angkatz lah~~~

so i decided to just surf the net while waiting for the Q to subside...


after a while,
i turned around and the Q makin panjang laaahhh~~~~

how eh??



luckily i'm quite ready for the exam tomorrow...

tomorrow will be my first paper, Research method..

on the 27th will be Muslim Press....( seram~~~)

on the 29th will be LE...

on the 31st will be LQ...

and then i'll be going home~~~

i'll be back here again for my final paper on the 9th, which is WNN....
my MOST anticipated paper of the semester...:)

and what's even more anticipated is that dear will be fetching me~~~

yay!! :))

excited nyer~~~

k k,
enough said,
gtg Q for the exam slip...

have to study~~


p/s: Mary, i might be raya-ing to your house after i come back on the 31st....:)

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