Nurul 1

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Lots of LOVE~~~~~

To those who is allergic to LOVE, please make way to other blogs...
believe me,
this entry will make you puke...
Feeling elated today~~~~
woke up this morning feeling LOVED..:)
I've counted the number of meaningful SMSes from him in my HP,
it all amounts to 200 SMSes altogether....:)
those SMSes means the world to me...:)
How can i not love you...
You made me feel im worth to love and to be loved...:)
The feeling that i've been looking for since years ago...
And this morning,
You made me fall for you, again...
It particularly made my day...:)
You never fail to make fall for you,
again and again....:)
tak sabarnyeeee nak balik...........
I Miss you soooo much lah dear....:(
1 more week to go before i set off to go back home for 'eid..
To my prince Charming,
Your princess here Loves you from the bottom of my heart...;)

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