Nurul 1

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

A critical week it has been..

Im suffering from separation anxiety..
Cepatlah Rabu...

wednesday is tomorrow,
Its so near yet so far...

I cant think of anything else
except going back home...

i wanna meet him...


the past few days was tiring and PMSy...
Biasalah kalau dah PMS...
thoughts would wonder and think of the unneccessary...

Midterm today was also crap...
Its all objectives, yet it veeeerry difficult..
coz im very bad with dates and names...

Muslim Press reminds me of history subjects
during school days...

punyalah terkial-kial nk igt nama2 and all the dates...

i've got to prioritise Muslim Press before all the other subjects..
i've got to mind map the histories...

Oh Allah....
i seek Your help and Guidance...

i dont want to think about the past...

going to continue sending out my CV..


p/s: manusia tak pernah lekang dr membuat kesilapan..

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