Nurul 1

Monday, October 15, 2007

I dont want a JOB interview?

Hey everybody..
'Eid mubarak...
minal 'aidil wal fa izin Kullu 'am wa antum bikhair...
Guess what?
I got a job interview just one day before raya...
I dont feel like I want that particular job...
I braced through the interview,
and like a pro,
I managed to convinced the interviewer on my capabilities...
(of coz lah, interview must promote diri mah)
and he said if I'm shortlisted,
I'll be called for a 2nd interview.....
and and and.....
I just got a call from them a few minutes ago....
but I declined the offer...
you must think that I'm crazy to decline...
trust me...
I'm NOT.......
I'm not a choosy person....:(
this particular job is in my no-no list for a full time job...
I finally met dear that same night,
after a looooong talk,
I'm convinced I made the right choice....:)
thanks dear...
and thanks for the beautiful tudung and brooches you bought for me...:)
First day of 'eid was okay...
as usual,
went to grandparents house....
eat, eat and eat.....
I now, retire from ayam masak merah, rendang and lauk lemak
(exculde sambal goreng, coz its my fav! esp, my mom's)
dah semput asik makan lauk2 tu kat semua rumah yg I pegi...
retire kejap je...;)
This year's raya is sooo not fun...
believe it or not,
I kept thinking of the final exam....:(
whatever I do,
CRM, Muslim press, WNN, LE and LQ
is ALL at the back of my mind popping up unneccessarily
at any time around the clock...
I have not started reading anything yet....
I'm going to read something right after this entry....
a Happy Birthday to my Prince Charming!!
hope you like the b'day surprise I planned for you....:)
you looked happy..
so I guess u loved it, right dear?
Love you so so MUCH!!
before I end,
I would like to..........
(ok pardon me, this part must be in malay)
To all my friends,
sepanjang pengalaman and perkenalan kita,
mesti ada perkataan and perbuatan I yg menguris perasaan..
tak kiralah sengaja atau tak,
sesungguhnya I hanya manusia kerdil yg kadang2 terlupa utk berbuat kebaikan pd org lain..
I susun jari 10, mohon ampun dan maaf
atas segala apa kesalahan yg pernah I lakukan..
kita semua mendapat satu sinar baru di bulan mulia ini...:)
P/S: TV is soooo tempting time raya2 camni tau...mcmana nk study!! hehe...

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