Nurul 1

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Hey Ho!
reporting from Safiyyah cyber cafe..

Im back again on campus for the Final exams..

The journey back to KL was an exciting adventure...:)

Enjoyed BiBu's Company..

But unfortunately i cant make it to Sepang with the rest of the ESR gang...
boo hoo..:(

next year k? k? k?


Im still in the holiday mood...

and i've got a quiz tomorrow and a test the day after...

how eh?

the moment i opened my notes,
i fell asleep...


i really need a mood booster.....

one with a real 'BANG' in the head....

and i need one NOW...


want to know what im thinking of now?



me? thinking of food?

tak sabar nk beli makanan kat HS...

mcm dah lama tak beli lunch as HS...

nyeh heh heh....

i think i've got to go...

if i dont stop now, i wont stop at all....

i can sit and surf the net on and on and on......


p/s: there's this new potato chips named 'chipster' ( from twisties) sedap lah seyy~~~Gemuk lah aku mcm nie.....ahakz!

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