Nurul 1

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Slept not quiet like a princess

I must say, this is the slowest week since school re-opened..
With still no class on Monday,
a plain tuesday,
(with the exception of the KLCC trip ;))
and again i decided not to go out to class today..for fear of no class..

and tomorrow,
i only look forward to go home...
all i had to do this week, apart from my WNN assignments,
was to sleep!

but of course,
not quite like a princess..
unfortunately, because of the noisy roomie...
bluek! :p

Oh yes,
I've got a presentation for WNN tomorrow..
and i simply cant wait..
even though i've not finished working the report just yet...

The best part was the KLCC trip i mentioned..
Initial plan was to break our fast at Chillis..
when i saw its vague halal status, i decided not to...

Kaed and me walked around the whole KLCC,
just "jalan-jalan cari makan"
(walk-walk looking for food..hihi..)
before we finally settled on Kelantan's Delight..
i give them a 3 and a half out of 5....

by the end of the day,
i've bought two new books from Kinokuniya....

at least those can keep me company...
i'm almost finishing the first book..

how eh?


gtg finish up on my assignments..

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