Nurul 1

Tuesday, July 31, 2007 triple trouble...

Im having trouble getting to sleep at night,
two of my roomie's friends have been squatting in her compartment ever since day one..
even though it is an offence to have people squatting in your compartment,
I do not mind...
these three girls just cant seem to stop talking and laughing,
even when its past 10 PM...
They talked as if they want to let the whole room know what they're talking about...
its not that i am complaining unneccessarily...
i understand if it is once in a while,
you know, we're excited about things and we want to tell the whole world about it...
but if its EVERY night,
(no no no, its EVERYTIME they're in the room)
BANGING the door each time they went in and out of the room,
i CANNOT tolerate that......
So now what exactly is my problem, you ask me....??
the problem is,
that I dont know if i should be complaining at the office for the squatting offence
or should i just confront them and ask them nicely to keep it down....
the problem is,
that i dont have the GUTS to face them.....
(i cant even bring myself to say a simple "SSHhhhhhhh")
and that i dont have the heart to complain at the office...
they're final semester students,
if i complain at the office,
i know they would have to pay the fine, which might amount to approximately RM100....
and if i were to face them, i know it would feel awkward after that
knowing that i will be bumping into them every now and then....
it might not seem BIG to you,
but it IS to me....
and i call myself a communication student,
when i cant even handle a simple problem.....
Boo hoo hoo!

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