Nurul 1

Saturday, July 07, 2007

school and everything else

The time has come,
I'll be going back to sch tomorrow morning...
I've been away for quite sometime
i think i've forgotten how it feels like to go to class..

But before that,
i've to attend Kelvin's wedding celebration tonight..
i've never been to a chinese wedding celebration..
I do not know what to wear..hihi..penting eeeh...

I have absolutely no idea whether its going to be formal or informal....
Im a teeny weeny bit nervous..
tak paham kan apa yg nervous sgt..ahakz...
but dear n me decided to wear white..
we'll see lah eh...

back to sch,
i'll be taking the morning bus from Sg to KL...
Ish! lama tuu tak g KL.....

my class for tomorrow is at 2.30 to four PM only..
pahaammm tak...
mmg relax lah nmpk nyer..
i'll have plenty of time to go to the HS academic affairs office to settle somethings..

and oh yes,
i've to go out to do some errands..
tp bila ek...

oh gosh!
i dont even remember where i put my DG prepaid card..

gtg iron my baju first...

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