Nurul 1

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Bi-Bu..i loike...

How's the first two weeks of sch?

Nothing interesting just yet...
except for the fact that i cant seem to have peaceful sleep almost every night...:(

1- roomies having nightmares almost every night..
2- roomies having squatters and they chat aaaallll night long with their lights ON...

They're having nightmares and IM suffering from sleep deprivation...GOSH!
They chit chat like nobody's business and for God's sake!
pls laaa.. i CANT sleep with even the tiniest dimmest light tau!!


i found heaven in my OWN room back home last weekend...
i slept like there's no tomorrow...

gee..i wonder if i can survive the whole semester like this..

apart from that,
everything else is alright...

i always look forward to Prof. Fazal's classes...
i LOVE the way he delivers his lectures...
he's very animated...:)

LE4500 and WNN is also fun...
i've become the 'Miss becok' all of the sudden this semester..(Note: in class ONLY :p)

apparently my arabic lecturer still have not gotten back from his 'kampung'..
so, im still on holiday mood every monday and wednesday...

The highlight of this week will be this weekend...
Dear, Im excited!!

my BIBU's arrival...
OUR Bibu's arrival....:)

i've never been this excited about something like this.....

rasa cam nak balik skrg jgk!! :)
hopefully, Bibu doesnt arrive before i come home..
wait for me k dear..
nurul nk ikot g fetch Bibu..k?k?k? :)

there's assignments to be done...

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