Sunday, October 15, 2006

these peeps will be 'gone'

Im saddened by the fact that next semester,
my brother's no longer around,
three of my buddies will be graduating too...
and latest news,
a close friend of mine is going to be a very busy person in her society...

Im happy for her,
but somehow sad...
i've always had her to talk to when im down and when neither my bro nor my buddies are there for me...
and the thought that all these important peeps will be 'gone' is making me go mad...

who am i going to talk to,
who am i going to confide into,
who am i going to go to for a shoulder to cry on,
who am i going to laugh with,

i dont know...

i mean, yes i do have lots of other friends..
but the few that i mentioned has been there throughout my tough and rocky journey here in IIU...

it wont be the same without them here next semester...

and to my dear friend (the one who'll be an important person in her society),
Im proud of you...
I know you can shoulder the challenges and responsibilities yet to come..
May you achieve success throughout your reign as the president...cewah!...:)

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