Hi ho!
finally i now know how to get journals..
plus some tips from k.ki on how to find books and infos in the library....
maceh k.ki! saaayang k.ki! :)
so now,
i have three journals waiting to be read...
i already make it compulsory for the groupmates to work with me for three days straight,
since the due date for the research is sometime soon...
aargh, takotnyee...
last night i went to my photography class,
and looked at the pix taken at bukit tinggi where we went for our assignment trip..
and i was quite pleased with a few pix i took....:)
cant wait to look at the 8R outcome...
speaking of which, i havent paid kucai the money for the developing of those pix...
i'd better sms him now..
and so,
sem 1 is coming to an end,
which means,
no more big bro to nag at me..hihi...
also, no more big bro to protect me here if im being bullied by any big bad wolf...;p
k.an, k.y and hasanah is also graduating..
i'll be on my own most of the times...since its them that i've been spending part of my time with....
i guess i have to start standing on my own feet, totally!
considering that i only have 1 more yr to go...
im still thinking whether or not to go for practical training in sem 3...
and which company to go to if im going for it..
anybody interested...?
i've yet to prepare my resume...
i hope to do my practical in Singapore..(if im doing my practical)
so i can save quite a lot..
since my dad can send me to and from work most of the times...:)
i've got class!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
la taghdob
i wonder what is it with the library's online database...
its been weeks plus months since i've logged in and tried to look for journal articles for my research paper...
everytime i tried to open one, it said i have to subscribe, to buy, to do this to do that...
is it the library, or am i just plain stupid??
Im getting sick of this...
i need someone to come with me and show me how to actually get the articles...Pleaaaasssee....!
This research thingy is making me lagged with the other assignments...
this is the first time Im doing a research paper...
i have to use the statistics i learnt before..
i thought i could depend on my groupmates for this...
but NO!
they're of no help...
i flunked my stats for goodness sake!
and i havent even taken CRM...
i have ZERO idea on how to go about doing this research paper...
i desperately want to score in this paper.....:(
about my grpmates,
this semester, again im reminded of how i actually hated group assignments..
there are four of us..
one has NO class on Mon and Wed
the other is the best friend who is married-making it hard to find suitable time for meetings
and then there's this bro who doesnt have HP!!
hence making it EVEN harder to contact him...
we told him of our meetings in class...
he didnt come..
we gave him not one but TWO phone numbers for him to call, but he didnt!
what ticks me more is that, IM the group leader, but people are just not that interested to listen to me....
am i such a bad leader? am i too soft? too lenient? too kind-hearted?
sometimes it is good to lead tyrannically...
so ppl have no choice, i guess...
they expect good grades but dont work hard enough..
if its individual work, its fine..
but its MY marks too okey!!
i MUST get good grade this semester...
i must must must!
back to the journal articles..
i must get 15 journal articles on spiral of silence!
any kind soul care to help?
P/s: La taghdob, qala La taghdob..
its been weeks plus months since i've logged in and tried to look for journal articles for my research paper...
everytime i tried to open one, it said i have to subscribe, to buy, to do this to do that...
is it the library, or am i just plain stupid??
Im getting sick of this...
i need someone to come with me and show me how to actually get the articles...Pleaaaasssee....!
This research thingy is making me lagged with the other assignments...
this is the first time Im doing a research paper...
i have to use the statistics i learnt before..
i thought i could depend on my groupmates for this...
but NO!
they're of no help...
i flunked my stats for goodness sake!
and i havent even taken CRM...
i have ZERO idea on how to go about doing this research paper...
i desperately want to score in this paper.....:(
about my grpmates,
this semester, again im reminded of how i actually hated group assignments..
there are four of us..
one has NO class on Mon and Wed
the other is the best friend who is married-making it hard to find suitable time for meetings
and then there's this bro who doesnt have HP!!
hence making it EVEN harder to contact him...
we told him of our meetings in class...
he didnt come..
we gave him not one but TWO phone numbers for him to call, but he didnt!
what ticks me more is that, IM the group leader, but people are just not that interested to listen to me....
am i such a bad leader? am i too soft? too lenient? too kind-hearted?
sometimes it is good to lead tyrannically...
so ppl have no choice, i guess...
they expect good grades but dont work hard enough..
if its individual work, its fine..
but its MY marks too okey!!
i MUST get good grade this semester...
i must must must!
back to the journal articles..
i must get 15 journal articles on spiral of silence!
any kind soul care to help?
P/s: La taghdob, qala La taghdob..
reg reg reg
Its registration day again..
all the labs around IIUM is jam packed with students since 1 PM..
i guess it's because it is ramadhan, and there is no lunch, so they rushed for the labs instead..
PC is like GOLD in times of registration...
its quite frustrating, tests my patience...
i finally got a PC..
just waiting for the clock to strike 5 and register...
hopefully i'll get the subjects i wanted...Amin..
berdebar lah pulak nak regis...
haha...ntah pape lah...
oh yah,
May Allah bless my brother...
he's not feeling well...high fever...
Syafakallah abg!
k k, nak cek schedule subjek..bubbye!
all the labs around IIUM is jam packed with students since 1 PM..
i guess it's because it is ramadhan, and there is no lunch, so they rushed for the labs instead..
PC is like GOLD in times of registration...
its quite frustrating, tests my patience...
i finally got a PC..
just waiting for the clock to strike 5 and register...
hopefully i'll get the subjects i wanted...Amin..
berdebar lah pulak nak regis...
haha...ntah pape lah...
oh yah,
May Allah bless my brother...
he's not feeling well...high fever...
Syafakallah abg!
k k, nak cek schedule subjek..bubbye!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
toddlers parade
Ramadhan kareem!
Alhamdulillah...the long awaited month...
the Month of Blessings...
May Allah give me a peace of heart and mind in this month...
The first night of Tarawih was a pretty interesting sight, or perhaps i should say 'noises'...
Everytime i went for Tarawih, the sea of people at the mosque never failed to amuse me...
What amuses me more is the 'noises' from the toddlers....
i wonder why is it that fathers never bring their toddlers with them when they're praying...
why is it always mothers that have to bring them along...
and in the end, the women praying area became a kindergarten cum Playground...
these kids cried, laugh, run around and shouted like nobody is there...
i know i shoudnt say this,
its kinda distracting when im trying to listen to the Imam's recitation of the Quran...
you're facing the down trying to focus on the Imam's recitation,
and suddenly,
a kid appears in front of you, looking earnestly at you..
and oh yah! pulling ur telekong..haha....klaka kan....
Mosques should have a playing area for little children or something of that sort....
or, the mothers should bring along their kid's fav toys....
i wonder how i'd deal with this kind of situation when i become a mom...
P/s: current Fav song "My Heart" :)
Alhamdulillah...the long awaited month...
the Month of Blessings...
May Allah give me a peace of heart and mind in this month...
The first night of Tarawih was a pretty interesting sight, or perhaps i should say 'noises'...
Everytime i went for Tarawih, the sea of people at the mosque never failed to amuse me...
What amuses me more is the 'noises' from the toddlers....
i wonder why is it that fathers never bring their toddlers with them when they're praying...
why is it always mothers that have to bring them along...
and in the end, the women praying area became a kindergarten cum Playground...
these kids cried, laugh, run around and shouted like nobody is there...
i know i shoudnt say this,
its kinda distracting when im trying to listen to the Imam's recitation of the Quran...
you're facing the down trying to focus on the Imam's recitation,
and suddenly,
a kid appears in front of you, looking earnestly at you..
and oh yah! pulling ur telekong..haha....klaka kan....
Mosques should have a playing area for little children or something of that sort....
or, the mothers should bring along their kid's fav toys....
i wonder how i'd deal with this kind of situation when i become a mom...
P/s: current Fav song "My Heart" :)
Saturday, September 16, 2006
bad news..
been VERY busy lately...
the stagnant state of this blog tells everything...
and i had a minor accident..
fell during Futsal...fell really hard..
twisted my ankle..
couldnt even walk...
thanx k.an and k.y, who had to carry me from my room to the car..
and for the first time ever, i get to sit on a wheelchair! hehe....
injected and got two days MC..
which resulted in piled up works...uwaaa!
so, MC or not MC i ignored the pain and braved through my workS..
Alhamdulilah, most of it done..more to go..
plus the pain that is still persisting! sobs!
i am not able to put up pix now..left the USB at home..
wait till my bro comes back from home this monday, then only i can put up pix...
cant really promise though...
for now,
its assignment! assignments! assigments!
and oh yah!
COMM nite 2006 this Sundae....!
p/s: i feel like giving up on you...dont make me.....
bad news..
been VERY busy lately...
the stagnant state of this blog tells everything...
and i had a minor accident..
fell during Futsal...fell really hard..
twisted my ankle..
couldnt even walk...
thanx k.an and k.y, who had to carry me from my room to the car..
and for the first time ever, i get to sit on a wheelchair! hehe....
injected and got two days MC..
which resulted in piled up works...uwaaa!
so, MC or not MC i ignored the pain and braved through my workS..
Alhamdulilah, most of it done..more to go..
plus the pain that is still persisting! sobs!
i am not able to put up pix now..left the USB at home..
wait till my bro comes back from home this monday, then only i can put up pix...
cant really promise though...
for now,
its assignment! assignments! assigments!
and oh yah!
COMM nite 2006 this Sundae....!
p/s: i feel like giving up on you...dont make me.....
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
back to sch
believe it or not,
holidae's over..
it's time to get my lazy a** to work again..
oh boy!
i'll be coming back again this fridae...(i'Allah)
ok ok...
i know i said, im not coming back so often..
but its my lil' princess's birthday..
Dini will be a year old this Saturday...
i wont miss it for the world...!
But before that, i have tons of work to do..
i've got to be on the bus by 8.15am tomorrow!
thats soooo early.....sobs..
lucky dad's sending me.....
im out...
p/s: missing him every second
holidae's over..
it's time to get my lazy a** to work again..
oh boy!
i'll be coming back again this fridae...(i'Allah)
ok ok...
i know i said, im not coming back so often..
but its my lil' princess's birthday..
Dini will be a year old this Saturday...
i wont miss it for the world...!
But before that, i have tons of work to do..
i've got to be on the bus by 8.15am tomorrow!
thats soooo early.....sobs..
lucky dad's sending me.....
im out...
p/s: missing him every second
Hey ho!
yes aisyah, i believe you...
"tu buuukaaan saaabooo..." :p
wanna share with u ppl..
just got some nice pix from za yesterday....
pix from last sunday..
The TF clans....mana nak dpt, pengantin pose gila2 camni..ahaha...
The TF clans and the boys...
below are the pix taken when I was sabo-ed..ahaha...paisey nyer!

The part I was interviewed.....aiyo!
oh yeah!
btw, i've got good results for my comm theory! :)
i thought i was going to flunk that paper...but i passed with flying colours! :)
remember the entry where i was terribly upset, cursing the atm and yada yada yada..?
Allah really is 'Adil....
i LOVE Him...
Subhanallah, Walhamdulillah, Wa la ilaha illallah, Wallahu Akbar...:)
yes aisyah, i believe you...
"tu buuukaaan saaabooo..." :p
wanna share with u ppl..
just got some nice pix from za yesterday....
pix from last sunday..
The TF clans....mana nak dpt, pengantin pose gila2 camni..ahaha...

The TF clans and the boys...

below are the pix taken when I was sabo-ed..ahaha...paisey nyer!

The part I was interviewed.....aiyo!

oh yeah!
btw, i've got good results for my comm theory! :)
i thought i was going to flunk that paper...but i passed with flying colours! :)
remember the entry where i was terribly upset, cursing the atm and yada yada yada..?
Allah really is 'Adil....
i LOVE Him...
Subhanallah, Walhamdulillah, Wa la ilaha illallah, Wallahu Akbar...:)
Monday, September 04, 2006
weddings and a sabotage
4As i'd promised,
the pix for the two-days-in-a-row-weddings..
i didnt get to take pix of kak Ayu and her husband..they were not there when i came...
so me and su take our own pix instead...hihi...
The unique thing was the plate we ate on..
well, its not plate actually...dont know what to call it....

a lil' late in the e'ning,
went to Zainab's house...there's an open house+kenduri tahlil....
glad to be able to meet up with old friends...long time no see...
Zai, i pray for ur happiness...
i guess, no happiness comes easy...
it comes with lots of perseverance...
be strong my friend..
the next day,
the TF clan went to kak Faezah and kak Miza's wedding...
thats normal when the TF clans get together....

The TF clans...^
me and Aisyah Spec, the youngest of the TF bunch! ahaha..baru 20 syah? ;p ^
sweet arent they...

kak Faezah & Umair ^

Abg Lokman & kak Miza^
Selamat Pengantin Baru!
that was not all,
the unthinkable had happened at kak Miza's wedding...
i was sabo-ed!
by who else...the TF gang...:p
It was soo out of my mind that this was going to happen...
i was sabo-ed to SING!
pahaam taak...
i thought i could flee,
but i was grabbed and dragged to the mic...ahaha
they pleaded me to sing for the brides and groom..
and so, i sang 'bkn cinta biasa' for them...
embarassing to the max...
wished i could hide my face underneath the ground..ahakz!
as soon as i ended,
i wanted to go as far as cud frm the mic...
the DJ pulled me back and asked some Qs..
and they requested me to sing another!
i couldnt believe my ears...
i couldnt run...
and so, there you are...
TWO songs...
to the DJ,
sorry i couldnt give my number to you..
i couldnt possibly come back every weekend and sing at weddings...
i was sabo-ed..
but bak kata spec : "tuuu bkn saaaboooo.....tu kan utk kak Miza" ;p
the experience lifted my low-spirited self a bit at that moment...
thanx for being there for me my friends!
the pix for the two-days-in-a-row-weddings..
i didnt get to take pix of kak Ayu and her husband..they were not there when i came...
so me and su take our own pix instead...hihi...

The unique thing was the plate we ate on..
well, its not plate actually...dont know what to call it....

a lil' late in the e'ning,
went to Zainab's house...there's an open house+kenduri tahlil....
glad to be able to meet up with old friends...long time no see...
Zai, i pray for ur happiness...
i guess, no happiness comes easy...
it comes with lots of perseverance...
be strong my friend..
the next day,
the TF clan went to kak Faezah and kak Miza's wedding...
thats normal when the TF clans get together....

The TF clans...^

me and Aisyah Spec, the youngest of the TF bunch! ahaha..baru 20 syah? ;p ^
sweet arent they...

kak Faezah & Umair ^

Abg Lokman & kak Miza^
Selamat Pengantin Baru!
that was not all,
the unthinkable had happened at kak Miza's wedding...
i was sabo-ed!
by who else...the TF gang...:p
It was soo out of my mind that this was going to happen...
i was sabo-ed to SING!
pahaam taak...
i thought i could flee,
but i was grabbed and dragged to the mic...ahaha
they pleaded me to sing for the brides and groom..
and so, i sang 'bkn cinta biasa' for them...
embarassing to the max...
wished i could hide my face underneath the ground..ahakz!
as soon as i ended,
i wanted to go as far as cud frm the mic...
the DJ pulled me back and asked some Qs..
and they requested me to sing another!
i couldnt believe my ears...
i couldnt run...
and so, there you are...
TWO songs...
to the DJ,
sorry i couldnt give my number to you..
i couldnt possibly come back every weekend and sing at weddings...
i was sabo-ed..
but bak kata spec : "tuuu bkn saaaboooo.....tu kan utk kak Miza" ;p
the experience lifted my low-spirited self a bit at that moment...
thanx for being there for me my friends!
Sunday, September 03, 2006
hate thyself
The Mona Lisa smile i put afront...
i guess i'll have to stick with it forever...
NOT in the MOOD..
Down again..
some of you might start to think that im somekinda sick freak already....
for being up and down in the mood swings lately...
well, im beginning to FEEL like a sick freak already!!
For goodness sake!
how do i end this nonsense...
blame myself for all this...
shouldnt have started it all at first...
hate myself!
hate myself!
:'( :'(
ok! im out!
i guess i'll have to stick with it forever...
NOT in the MOOD..
Down again..
some of you might start to think that im somekinda sick freak already....
for being up and down in the mood swings lately...
well, im beginning to FEEL like a sick freak already!!
For goodness sake!
how do i end this nonsense...
blame myself for all this...
shouldnt have started it all at first...
hate myself!
hate myself!
:'( :'(
ok! im out!
Friday, September 01, 2006
the wedding bells
I know i said i wont be coming home for the rest of the semester...
Im now back home...
If i were to follow my heart, i wont be home now...
Most of my friends asked me to...they want me to...
After much thought,
i relent....
I've never thought i could NOT want to come back home....
I've got three wedding invites...mind you, its THREE!
one of which is a friend from school...and two from IIUM...
plus an open house invitation...
Is it wedding season or what??
i kept hearing people getting married here and there....
not to worry,
i'll upload the pix later.....
for now, i leave you with my niece's pix..
look at Dini!
dah leh jalan lah...
soo comel...

-More than words is all i need to show that your love for me is real ; missing him-
Im now back home...
If i were to follow my heart, i wont be home now...
Most of my friends asked me to...they want me to...
After much thought,
i relent....
I've never thought i could NOT want to come back home....
I've got three wedding invites...mind you, its THREE!
one of which is a friend from school...and two from IIUM...
plus an open house invitation...
Is it wedding season or what??
i kept hearing people getting married here and there....
not to worry,
i'll upload the pix later.....
for now, i leave you with my niece's pix..
look at Dini!
dah leh jalan lah...

soo comel...

-More than words is all i need to show that your love for me is real ; missing him-
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