Nurul 1

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Whats Up Whats Down

Oh Gosh!
Eversince the last time I had an emotional breakdown,
everything's just been going so slow...

Life seemed so mundane..

Have not done any shopping for 'eid..
I just dont have the time...
Why do I have to go to the shops,
why cant the shops come to me instead?

Reached home 7+ pm after work,
By the time Im too tired to do anything,
I just want to lie down and sleep..

I've got a weekend job now..
Which I pretty much like...

For the rest of Ramadhan,
I might be busying myself
working from Mon-Sun...

So there,
That's what I've been and will be up to
for this month...

I've been day-dreaming a lot
about going for a holiday....
A road trip maybe.....
Just jalan-jalan, cam-whoring and eat eat eat!

Its nice if it could come true...
But for now,
it shall remain a dream...;)

Im out.


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