that explains the silence behind my secretdoor..
This morning was the craziest!
I had a sudden emotional breakdown
IN the office...!
Luckily no one was in the office...
I dont even know why I was so overcome by emotions that I
cried buckets out of the blue.....
FH suggested focusing on
things I like...
And that got me thinking of photography...
Its been a while since I last snap with passion..
So I went to P*opular B*ookshop and bought a few essentials... :)
So just now I did a mini project..
Managed to find these for the subject matter...
Not my bestest shots,
but not bad for someone who's been hanging her camera
behind the door for so long...;)

Tomatoes! I dont like tomatoes...
But the moment I found out its good for the face,
I swallowed them like I love them to bits..hihi..:)
Tried to play around with the lighting to get
different effect and colours...:)

My favourite perfume...Cant live without them..;)
Incidences in life taught me valuable lessons about life...

Two other perfume I got from my mom..
Have not used them yet...
All my perfumes are PINK!
I loike!
I just wish this nagging feeling in me
will go away...:(
Just thinking about it
makes fell all teared up...:'(
I want ice-cream..............................
I NEED ice-cream....
*endorphines needed urgently*
Im out!
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