Dedication to FH:
Do you hear me,
Talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair
though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
Monday, September 29, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
F1 + Lewis Hamilton Craze
Hello people..=)
Guess what??
I just got back from the F1 practice sessions at the singapore street circuit!
Verdict: I loike!
I was contemplating of getting out of the office early today,
and while I was at it,
my boss came to me and gave me TWO free tickets to watch the F1 practice sessions!
Boy was I excited!
I stopped contemplating and made my way down town to meet up with FH..
Bought some munchies for break fast and off we headed to the circuit..
I was in awe..
It was my first time ever watching an F1 race...
And the only thing that comes to my mind when you mention F1 is: Lewis Hamilton and Ferrari...
Ask me anything else, I dont know..hihi...
The reason I was particularly intrigued by this year's F1 is the fact that it is in Singapore....
The first ever night race in history of F1 racing...
I was even more curious as to how the circuit would look like...
Hey, its the Singapore roads that we're all familiar with,
and all of the sudden its an F1 race track...
To be honest,
I was quite impressed with the circuit!
Who would have thought that Raffles Ave, St. Andrew road, Esplanade drive and Nicoll Highway can become a race track huh....
The whole area was brightly lit up as if it was daylight...
The Sound of the F1 cars was deafening but it kinda bring the excitement up...:)
I was secretly-no openly-happy the fact that Lewis Hamilton was in the first place among all other racers during the first practice session...
He came in third during the second session, but who cares when he is so gorgeous...;)
Enough of the ramblings now,
Lets the peek-chas do the talking...
( I really wished I had a DSLR with me just now..But we just make do with what we had..hihi)

Our tickets! Came with a nice lanyard..

Im a very happy girl!

The big screen right in front of where we were seating...strategic seats we got eh...;)
Lewis hamilton's car!! ;)

Ferrari...I loike!

The Grandstand next to ours..
That Him! Lewis Hamilton! I loike!
Last But not least,
Tried to take pictures with one of the cars,
jadi lah ek...daripada takde...;)
After the practice sessions,
My ears felt numb...
Hope I wont go deaf tomorrow...
Need my ears to teach...ahakz..
Will you please excuse me,
I need to go get my beauty sleep....;)
Im out!
Guess what??
I just got back from the F1 practice sessions at the singapore street circuit!
Verdict: I loike!
I was contemplating of getting out of the office early today,
and while I was at it,
my boss came to me and gave me TWO free tickets to watch the F1 practice sessions!
Boy was I excited!
I stopped contemplating and made my way down town to meet up with FH..
Bought some munchies for break fast and off we headed to the circuit..
I was in awe..
It was my first time ever watching an F1 race...
And the only thing that comes to my mind when you mention F1 is: Lewis Hamilton and Ferrari...
Ask me anything else, I dont know..hihi...
The reason I was particularly intrigued by this year's F1 is the fact that it is in Singapore....
The first ever night race in history of F1 racing...
I was even more curious as to how the circuit would look like...
Hey, its the Singapore roads that we're all familiar with,
and all of the sudden its an F1 race track...
To be honest,
I was quite impressed with the circuit!
Who would have thought that Raffles Ave, St. Andrew road, Esplanade drive and Nicoll Highway can become a race track huh....
The whole area was brightly lit up as if it was daylight...
The Sound of the F1 cars was deafening but it kinda bring the excitement up...:)
I was secretly-no openly-happy the fact that Lewis Hamilton was in the first place among all other racers during the first practice session...
He came in third during the second session, but who cares when he is so gorgeous...;)
Enough of the ramblings now,
Lets the peek-chas do the talking...
( I really wished I had a DSLR with me just now..But we just make do with what we had..hihi)
Our tickets! Came with a nice lanyard..
Im a very happy girl!
The big screen right in front of where we were seating...strategic seats we got eh...;)
Lewis hamilton's car!! ;)
Ferrari...I loike!
The Grandstand next to ours..
That Him! Lewis Hamilton! I loike!
Last But not least,
Tried to take pictures with one of the cars,
jadi lah ek...daripada takde...;)
After the practice sessions,
My ears felt numb...
Hope I wont go deaf tomorrow...
Need my ears to teach...ahakz..
Will you please excuse me,
I need to go get my beauty sleep....;)
Im out!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Pandangan 2 Sen Saya
Raya bakal menjelang tak lama lagi..
Suasana di Geylang masa saya cuba-cuba berjalan kelmarin,
amat sesak dengan pelbagai ragam manusia yang tak kurang
''warni-warni'' nya..
Kenapa saya kata warna-warni?
Haa..manakan tidaknya, ada yang rambutnya bagaikan pelangi,
mana yang baju nya macam tak cukup kain, yang dah macam sarung nangka,
yang badan dah macam lukisan bergerak pun ada and also yang membuat mata saya berasa silau semacam dek aksesori emas dan perak yang di cucuk tang sana cucuk tang sini..
Astaghfirullah...detik hati kecil saya...
Sempat juga saya menjeling kearah segelintir mereka ini yang begitu happening bershopping sakan..
Baju raya, kasut raya, perhiasan rumah dan yang sewaktu dengannya...
Dengan tak semena-mena perasaan segan datang melihatkan senario begitu..
Apa pula pandangan orang-orang bukan Islam terhadap mereka ini..?
Imej yang begitukan yang ingin kita berikan pada orang bukan Islam tentang
agama Islam dan penganutnya?
Apakah ini sememangnya trend yang membanggakan?
Apa agaknya makna Ramadhan dalam hati setiap mereka-mereka yang saya lihat itu?
Bersemangatkah mereka untuk menyambut raya?
Adakah perasaan kemenangan itu sedangkan puasa kita tidak sesempurna mana?
Sedih rasanya bila mengenangkan bulan suci ini dipandang enteng sahaja oleh sesetengah pihak..
Im not exactly the picture-perfect Muslim,
Saya sendiri masih banyak lagi ruang-ruang kosong yang perlu diisi dengan ilmu
supaya dapat menjadi Muslim yang lebih baik..
Tetapi saya bimbang dengan trend yang semakin berleluasa ini
bila terfikirkan,
apakah didalam keadaan masyarakat sebegini yang akan saya besarkan anak-anak saya?
Nampaknya memang beratlah tanggungjawab saya dimasa akan datang
dalam hal mendidik keluarga...
Saya bersyukur melihat sesetengah pihak yang dapat memelihara diri
dari terpengaruh dengan anasir-anasir yang kurang sihat ini,
dan tetap menunjukkan imej yang positif di dalam bulan Ramadhan..
Kesedaran tentang peri pentingnya bulan Ramadhan dan erti kemenangan di bulan Syawal
belum cukup kental lagi dikalangan masyarakat kita...
Dan pada pendapat saya,
walau macam mana pun institusi-institusi atau jabatan agama dalam negara membuat inisiatif mempelbagai aktiviti bagi membagkit kesedaran tentang bulan Ramadhan,
ada satu institusi penting yang menjadi akar bagi segala tindak-tanduk setiap manusia
iaitu institusi keluarga....
And not forgetting, pokoknya diri setiap individu itu sendiri samada hendak berubah atau tidak..Nobody can change a man, if he does not want to change himself..
Oh well,
Itu cuma padangan 2 sen saya (just my two cents worth)..:)
Mudah-mudahan Allah Taala memberi mereka dan juga saya petunjuk...
Suasana di Geylang masa saya cuba-cuba berjalan kelmarin,
amat sesak dengan pelbagai ragam manusia yang tak kurang
''warni-warni'' nya..
Kenapa saya kata warna-warni?
Haa..manakan tidaknya, ada yang rambutnya bagaikan pelangi,
mana yang baju nya macam tak cukup kain, yang dah macam sarung nangka,
yang badan dah macam lukisan bergerak pun ada and also yang membuat mata saya berasa silau semacam dek aksesori emas dan perak yang di cucuk tang sana cucuk tang sini..
Astaghfirullah...detik hati kecil saya...
Sempat juga saya menjeling kearah segelintir mereka ini yang begitu happening bershopping sakan..
Baju raya, kasut raya, perhiasan rumah dan yang sewaktu dengannya...
Dengan tak semena-mena perasaan segan datang melihatkan senario begitu..
Apa pula pandangan orang-orang bukan Islam terhadap mereka ini..?
Imej yang begitukan yang ingin kita berikan pada orang bukan Islam tentang
agama Islam dan penganutnya?
Apakah ini sememangnya trend yang membanggakan?
Apa agaknya makna Ramadhan dalam hati setiap mereka-mereka yang saya lihat itu?
Bersemangatkah mereka untuk menyambut raya?
Adakah perasaan kemenangan itu sedangkan puasa kita tidak sesempurna mana?
Sedih rasanya bila mengenangkan bulan suci ini dipandang enteng sahaja oleh sesetengah pihak..
Im not exactly the picture-perfect Muslim,
Saya sendiri masih banyak lagi ruang-ruang kosong yang perlu diisi dengan ilmu
supaya dapat menjadi Muslim yang lebih baik..
Tetapi saya bimbang dengan trend yang semakin berleluasa ini
bila terfikirkan,
apakah didalam keadaan masyarakat sebegini yang akan saya besarkan anak-anak saya?
Nampaknya memang beratlah tanggungjawab saya dimasa akan datang
dalam hal mendidik keluarga...
Saya bersyukur melihat sesetengah pihak yang dapat memelihara diri
dari terpengaruh dengan anasir-anasir yang kurang sihat ini,
dan tetap menunjukkan imej yang positif di dalam bulan Ramadhan..
Kesedaran tentang peri pentingnya bulan Ramadhan dan erti kemenangan di bulan Syawal
belum cukup kental lagi dikalangan masyarakat kita...
Dan pada pendapat saya,
walau macam mana pun institusi-institusi atau jabatan agama dalam negara membuat inisiatif mempelbagai aktiviti bagi membagkit kesedaran tentang bulan Ramadhan,
ada satu institusi penting yang menjadi akar bagi segala tindak-tanduk setiap manusia
iaitu institusi keluarga....
And not forgetting, pokoknya diri setiap individu itu sendiri samada hendak berubah atau tidak..Nobody can change a man, if he does not want to change himself..
Oh well,
Itu cuma padangan 2 sen saya (just my two cents worth)..:)
Mudah-mudahan Allah Taala memberi mereka dan juga saya petunjuk...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Whats Up Whats Down
Oh Gosh!
Eversince the last time I had an emotional breakdown,
everything's just been going so slow...
Life seemed so mundane..
Have not done any shopping for 'eid..
I just dont have the time...
Why do I have to go to the shops,
why cant the shops come to me instead?
Reached home 7+ pm after work,
By the time Im too tired to do anything,
I just want to lie down and sleep..
I've got a weekend job now..
Which I pretty much like...
For the rest of Ramadhan,
I might be busying myself
working from Mon-Sun...
So there,
That's what I've been and will be up to
for this month...
I've been day-dreaming a lot
about going for a holiday....
A road trip maybe.....
Just jalan-jalan, cam-whoring and eat eat eat!
Its nice if it could come true...
But for now,
it shall remain a dream...;)
Im out.
Eversince the last time I had an emotional breakdown,
everything's just been going so slow...
Life seemed so mundane..
Have not done any shopping for 'eid..
I just dont have the time...
Why do I have to go to the shops,
why cant the shops come to me instead?
Reached home 7+ pm after work,
By the time Im too tired to do anything,
I just want to lie down and sleep..
I've got a weekend job now..
Which I pretty much like...
For the rest of Ramadhan,
I might be busying myself
working from Mon-Sun...
So there,
That's what I've been and will be up to
for this month...
I've been day-dreaming a lot
about going for a holiday....
A road trip maybe.....
Just jalan-jalan, cam-whoring and eat eat eat!
Its nice if it could come true...
But for now,
it shall remain a dream...;)
Im out.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Hello..I Present You DiDi..
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
My Mini Photography Project
Was feeling down for the past few days..:'(
that explains the silence behind my secretdoor..
This morning was the craziest!
I had a sudden emotional breakdown
IN the office...!
Luckily no one was in the office...
I dont even know why I was so overcome by emotions that I
cried buckets out of the blue.....
FH suggested focusing on
things I like...
And that got me thinking of photography...
Its been a while since I last snap with passion..
So I went to P*opular B*ookshop and bought a few essentials... :)
So just now I did a mini project..
Managed to find these for the subject matter...
Not my bestest shots,
but not bad for someone who's been hanging her camera
behind the door for so long...;)

Tomatoes! I dont like tomatoes...
But the moment I found out its good for the face,
I swallowed them like I love them to bits..hihi..:)
Tried to play around with the lighting to get
different effect and colours...:)

My favourite perfume...Cant live without them..;)
Incidences in life taught me valuable lessons about life...

Two other perfume I got from my mom..
Have not used them yet...
All my perfumes are PINK!
I loike!
I just wish this nagging feeling in me
will go away...:(
Just thinking about it
makes fell all teared up...:'(
I want ice-cream..............................
I NEED ice-cream....
*endorphines needed urgently*
Im out!
that explains the silence behind my secretdoor..
This morning was the craziest!
I had a sudden emotional breakdown
IN the office...!
Luckily no one was in the office...
I dont even know why I was so overcome by emotions that I
cried buckets out of the blue.....
FH suggested focusing on
things I like...
And that got me thinking of photography...
Its been a while since I last snap with passion..
So I went to P*opular B*ookshop and bought a few essentials... :)
So just now I did a mini project..
Managed to find these for the subject matter...
Not my bestest shots,
but not bad for someone who's been hanging her camera
behind the door for so long...;)

Tomatoes! I dont like tomatoes...
But the moment I found out its good for the face,
I swallowed them like I love them to bits..hihi..:)
Tried to play around with the lighting to get
different effect and colours...:)

My favourite perfume...Cant live without them..;)
Incidences in life taught me valuable lessons about life...

Two other perfume I got from my mom..
Have not used them yet...
All my perfumes are PINK!
I loike!
I just wish this nagging feeling in me
will go away...:(
Just thinking about it
makes fell all teared up...:'(
I want ice-cream..............................
I NEED ice-cream....
*endorphines needed urgently*
Im out!
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Who's Who
I am amazed at how
I can keep my composure well and balanced
over some quite hurtful things..
Its funny how people can decide for others
without waiting for a final say...
Thanks a lot..
Or is it,
My own fault, that things had to come to this state?
Now I know who's who...
In this world, you just cant rely too much on others...
You only have yourself....
I can keep my composure well and balanced
over some quite hurtful things..
Its funny how people can decide for others
without waiting for a final say...
Thanks a lot..
Or is it,
My own fault, that things had to come to this state?
Now I know who's who...
In this world, you just cant rely too much on others...
You only have yourself....
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
My Very Own
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