Nurul 1

Monday, August 18, 2008

Crazy White Dog and a Harry Potter??

Walking to work today was unusual...
Bumped into Amirah,
an old friend..

So we walked together
coz her office is just next to my office...

The number of dogs loitering around was unusually
more than usual..

I was scared but kept cool...

But when we almost reached our offices,
I saw a HUGE white dog walking towards us...
Tried to keep cool and walk as usual not looking at it...

Amirah started to panic; screamed and tried to run..
That attracted the dog's attention and it came running to us..

macam nk pengsan!!

Amirah took cover behind me
and I have to FIGHT for my life!!

I didnt know I was brave enough to
swing my BIG heavy bag into it's face...

But it didnt go away laaa...

I swear I even tried to "woof" it away...
A deep dog-like woof....
It didnt work.....
made a fool out of myself...

Luckily a guard and a chinese guy saw
us struggling with the dog..
They helped and I ran like never before to my office..


Ni yg bertekad nk naik taxi je hari2...

I wanted to blog about my trip to KL last weekend..
Collected my CONVOCATION ROBE!!!

Reached there 8++
Rushed to Za's room..
Thanks Za for all your help....:))

The moment I reached CAC
The queue was wah liao.............................long lah sey....
But thanks to Kaed,
She let me cut queue...hihi...

first thing was to collect
the convocation card...
When I saw my name,
I jumped for joy!

"yay! nama I ada...nama I ada...!"


and then,
the moment I got my robe,
the very moment I touched the robe
for the FIRST time,
I felt a surge of pride!!

"This is it! THE robe...THE robe!"

Was excited so I tried it on,
And I felt like harry potter
without the magic wand of course...;)

It was a short trip,
and I realised that I missed IIUM
more that I thought....

So I am now all hyped up
for my convocation....!


Cant wait to meet all my friends...!


Wanted to take a picture of the robe
and show it here...
But I thought, naaaah!

Will wait till I wear it for the actual


So watch this space for more
convocation updates!


P/S: Journey took around 2 and a half hours to reach IIUM Gombak! BiBu was FLYING~~ ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nana..cian..kena kejo anjing yek?hehehe looking forward of seeing u during THE convocation..hehehe take care..may allah bless u..