Nurul 1

Thursday, August 07, 2008



I am very happy and satisfied...
I finally got it!

and Im Lovin' it! :)


Nini~~~~( thats the name...hihi..)

My very own PINK-ish Nintendo DS Lite!!

Now I wont have to feel that
my journeys on public transport
is like forever..........

Lotsa girlish and kiddy games
I loike~~~

Ever since I graduated,
I've been wanting to get something "big"
for myself..
Something precious with my own HARD earn money...

I decided to get Nini...

Now I dont have to just
drool when my mom and my brothers
play their psp....
I can play with my Nini...

Anybody wants to get
PSP or Nintendo
with VERY good bargain,

I recommend Tingsin.
I must say I got quite a good deal..:)


p/s: Going to miss you over the weekend. Nevertheless, have fun riding and do ride safe.

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