25 August 2008:THE BIG DAY!!!!!
Again woke up at 4 a.m.
Checked-out from Sucasa
at 5.45 a.m.
Excitement was building up
super fast!!
Felt butterflies in my tummy...
Orang kawin pun kalah...:p
My FIRST picture with the robe..

Time checked: 6.45 a.m!
already in IIUM!
Sooo early....hihi...

Went to my very much missed
Department of Communication...

COSA's notice board now very pretty..

IIUM going green..

7.30 a.m: met Aisyah Spec and family.
Struggled a bit with the robe..
We needed assistance to wear the robe properly..
Look at us with our assistants...;)
Ais with her assistants..

Me with my beloved assistant...;)
Dialogue-(lebih kurang lah)
Dont you dare spoil my tudung's 'masjid'..Him:
Taklah..kalau depan sikit baru lawa...;)

Ok Im ready!
(take note: The Tassel on the Mortaboard is on the Right,
before graduation)

At this point,
My heart was beating so fast
I swear I couldnt concentrate on anything else...
Lucky Dear was there to help bring my parents to
the Great Hall....
The Stage!!

Thats the Main Procession..

IIUM Rector,
Prof. Syed Arabi 'Idid
Giving his speech..

From where I was seating...

I was in cold sweats
when my row was finally called to get ready
to go up on stage...
I couldnt even talk to anybody..
I was reciting Basmalah every second
hoping I wont embarrassed myself by tripping
or the mortaboard falling of my head..
I managed to get up on stage feeling confident
and beaming proud...
I did not fall flat on my face,
that's a good thing...
Once outside the hall,
As usual there was the
"mana parents/anak aku?" session..
Once the jejak kasih is settled,
Its picture time!!!!!
Me and my parents..
(Note the Tassel again, Its on the left now..
To Mom and Dad:
Thanks for all your sacrifices...
Rest assured I wont forget them Insya Allah...:)

Me and Kaed..
Course partner cum partner in crime..;)

Me and Ais..
Partner since Alsagoff- Matriculation and
now together an IIUM Graduate..:)

Me and Mr Rainbow...
Partner in everything....
To FH:
What more can I say...:) Thank you for EVERYTHING!!
Your love, your motivation and your sacrifices..
I treasure it all...:)

Went to HS-
The famous Singaporean Students' lepak-ing place...
Met the rest of my Singaporean buddies
Both seniors and Juniors...
Thank you all for you well-wishes...
There was so much to say
in so little time...
you all made my day...:)
Made it a more memorable day for me...
And to the rest of my kakak-kakak Legend:
To Za:
Thanks for helping out with the robe..
If not for you, I wont be wearing it that day...:)

To Kak Far:
Thanks for the great time together walking
back to our Mahallah..
and the excitement over the new walkway
to the mahallah..hihi..
Say thanks to kak Sar for the pretty pink wand..;)

To Shasha:
Thanks for making my stay in IIUM
a FUN one...:)

To Suli:
Thanks for being my coolest Comm junior! :)
You rock babe..;)

Last but not least,
To me:
With that Convocation Ceremony,
I pray to Allah Almighty that
my learning journey wont end there...
May Allah bless me with the wealth and health to
further my studies...
For the road to knowledge is NEVER-ENDING...:)

I am now an official IIUM Graduate,
Bachelor in Human Sciences (Communication) (Honours)

With all that Said,

I sign out with
Alhamdulillah, haza min Fadhli Rabbi
and Assalamualaikum.....:)