"Jangan kamu bertanya/berkata sesuatu yang boleh memberatkan/membebankan perasaan orang yang ditanya"
(translation: Do not ask/say unto others whatever that may cause them to feel heavy-hearted/disturbed)
Recently, I've been asked a few questions that in my personal opinion, SHOULD be banned. At times, I'm caught off-guard with these questions. I dont know whether the person asking is purely innocently asking out of concern or are they just dumb.
I've listed below some questions I've been asked:
1) Before I was married, "Eh, bila kau punya turn?" (when's you turn?)
2) After I got Married, "Bila nak ada baby??" (when are you going to have a baby?)
And since, I do not have any child yet, I frequently get these questions:
3) Da berapa lama kahwin, kenapa takde anak lagi?? (you've been married for sometime already, why no baby yet?) - Remind me again how long have I been married? 10? 20 years? Major DUH!
4) Da ada isi belom? (Got anything in you tum-tum already?) - Yah! got Sh** inside! LOL!
5) Kau ni lambat betullah (nak ada anak)! (you took so long to get pregnant and have a baby!) - Eh! dengar2 baby boleh beli je kat kedai?
6) Bila nak tambah umat Muhammad, jangan tgg lama2 nanti kena soal dekat akhirat (When are you going to increase Muhammad's ummah, Dont wait too long, you will be questioned later at the Akhirah) - and...who are you, again sir?
and the very recent one I got is,
7) Tinggal rumah sendiri berdua je? tak sunyi ke? (you're staying at your own house just the two of you? dont you feel lonely?) - *insert thunder storm and lightning sound*
Initially I find it annoying when we were always asked these sort of questions. After a while, we thought, the best answer would be to say "I'Allah, sedang diusahakan. Awak doakan kami ye" (I'Allah, we're trying, pray for us okay)
What better way to answer that than to ask people to pray for us ain it? at least when the Malaikats Amin, who knows Allah will grant their doas.
But recently, I find the questions that people asked to be more and more.....STUPID?
Question No. 7 really stumped me. WHY on earth would we feel lonely when we are 2 people in love, who chose to marry each other and live with each other? I mean, what are marriages between 2 people for if you want to be with each other and feel lonely?? right? no?
Maybe I took the question the wrong way or something. Maybe I was too sensitive. Relax ah people, apa mau kanchiong. Kita berusaha, Tuhan menentukan. Kalau ada rezeki, I'Allah akan ada.
Which is why I remembered the quotes above, which I heard from Irsyad Radio during Ramadhan. We really should be careful to whom we ask a certain question, especially if we are not that close with the person we are asking the questions to and in which situation. We never know if we might end up hurting others, or make them feel sad unnecessarily.
At least I know I was okay thought-wise until some people decides to ask these type of questions and then I start to feel disturbed. Moreover if they ask questions with a certain sinister tones like "I have a child and you dont? haha."
So people, lets learn from now to be more mindful of our questions k.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Friday, September 09, 2011
Little Princess's Birthday
6 years ago, she was delivered to a mixed of emotion.
Despite everything that has happened, she was the apple of everyone's eyes.
I was exceptionally happy because she was the next 'related-by-blood' girl after me, in the family.
I used to want to have another girl in the family, so that explains why I absolutely adore her.
Furthermore, she was the first grandchild in my family.
She used to be such a crybaby when she was younger. I still remember how she would cry and cry whenever she came over.
But when she grew out of that, she makes people around her smile with her chatter and liveliness.
I miss that.
she is a smart and pretty little 6 year old girl.
I pray that she will be a strong girl and make good of herself.
God knows she deserves a better life.
I pray that she will be surrounded by happiness around her.
Happy Birthday Princess!
Though we cant see each other much now, do know that
I Love You and I Miss You.

LOVE, Auntie Nurul
6 years ago, she was delivered to a mixed of emotion.
Despite everything that has happened, she was the apple of everyone's eyes.
I was exceptionally happy because she was the next 'related-by-blood' girl after me, in the family.
I used to want to have another girl in the family, so that explains why I absolutely adore her.
Furthermore, she was the first grandchild in my family.
She used to be such a crybaby when she was younger. I still remember how she would cry and cry whenever she came over.
But when she grew out of that, she makes people around her smile with her chatter and liveliness.
I miss that.
she is a smart and pretty little 6 year old girl.
I pray that she will be a strong girl and make good of herself.
God knows she deserves a better life.
I pray that she will be surrounded by happiness around her.
Happy Birthday Princess!
Though we cant see each other much now, do know that
I Love You and I Miss You.

LOVE, Auntie Nurul
Blogger app
I just found out about this app from my husband a while ago!
Super excited abt it! Been waiting for ages for Blogspot to have its own app! And its FREE!
So you blogspot fans out there, here's a shoutout to you: Go Get you Blogger App TODAY! :)
Im blogging via this app now...:)
Now im a happy girl! :)
Super excited abt it! Been waiting for ages for Blogspot to have its own app! And its FREE!
So you blogspot fans out there, here's a shoutout to you: Go Get you Blogger App TODAY! :)
Im blogging via this app now...:)
Now im a happy girl! :)
Monday, September 05, 2011
Bits & Pieces of My Syawal
Syawal 2011 was a small affair for me and family.
As we grow older, Syawal does not seem to be that much of a big deal, aint it?
Reading my friends' tweets is evident enough.
Came 1st of Syawal, it felt like I have a big burden on my shoulders (eyelids too!)
It was really a tiring day.
I even took half day of work the next day just to go back home and SLEEP! haha..
Nevertheless, even if we dont quite feel as excited as we used to be for Hari Raya,
It is still important for us to feel a teeny bit happy for Syawal.
Afterall, it is a day of celebration for Muslims.
We are encouraged to feel and be happy on this day.
'Eid is a gift for Allah to those who observe their fast.
So, dont forget to show some love okay..:)
Alhamdulillah, this year marked my 2nd year of Syawal as a wife.
This year is also the first time I felt really satisfied with what we have achieved for our house.
It felt much more......Homey and Complete. :)
Alhamdulillah. :)
Here's some bits & pieces of my 'Eid:
Hope its not too late to wish Selamat Hari Raya to my readers, IF there's any. teehee..=)
As we grow older, Syawal does not seem to be that much of a big deal, aint it?
Reading my friends' tweets is evident enough.
Came 1st of Syawal, it felt like I have a big burden on my shoulders (eyelids too!)
It was really a tiring day.
I even took half day of work the next day just to go back home and SLEEP! haha..
Nevertheless, even if we dont quite feel as excited as we used to be for Hari Raya,
It is still important for us to feel a teeny bit happy for Syawal.
Afterall, it is a day of celebration for Muslims.
We are encouraged to feel and be happy on this day.
'Eid is a gift for Allah to those who observe their fast.
So, dont forget to show some love okay..:)
Alhamdulillah, this year marked my 2nd year of Syawal as a wife.
This year is also the first time I felt really satisfied with what we have achieved for our house.
It felt much more......Homey and Complete. :)
Alhamdulillah. :)
Here's some bits & pieces of my 'Eid:
Hope its not too late to wish Selamat Hari Raya to my readers, IF there's any. teehee..=)
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