Thursday, November 18, 2010

The True Meaning of Sacrifice

It was 'Eidul Adha yesterday.
I hope my muslim brothers and sisters had a wonderful and meaningful 'eid.

As for me,
I have never thought much about 'Eidul Adha.
I know the history behind it and I know every 'eid, mosques here will have sheeps lining up for Qurban.
Sacrifice in the name of Allah. That, I know for sure.

This year,
It was different. It was first 'Eidul Adha as a wife.
I began to see the true meaning of sacrifice.
After marriage, I began to see how much sacrifices one has to make in the name of Love.
Love to our other half, Love to our own selves and most importantly Love to Allah..

I started the day yesterday feeling confused and sad.
I was sad because of so many things.
Work, Energy, Family, Time.

For someone who's like me,
realising all this,
I felt overwhelmed with emotions, just thinking about it.
There's many other things in life that involves sacrifice, be it a small one or a big one.
It is not easy.

Now I know why Allah promises Heaven for a wife who obeys her husband.

I pray that I will be given the strength to better myself for the responsibilities bestowed upon me as a vicegerent, a wife, a daughter, an employee and a mother(in future), I'Allah..


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