Nurul 1

Sunday, June 24, 2007

torn between two

Im torn between two...
Im four months plus towards graduating...

Work vs Study

If you ask me,
I want to pursue for a master's degree..

this is something that did not cross my mind when i was in school..
even when i was in my first year in Uni...

But now,
Im very much eager to continue studying...

money is what concerns me most for now...

the fees for a Masters' degree in the field of my choice at NTU
is around SGD9000..
Im not sure if its per academic year or not..the nine-triple 0's digit scared me enough not to continue looking....


An then there's NIE..
the prospect is equally tempting...

i would prefer NTU to NIE though..

I guess i just have to work..
or else,
who's going to pay for my loan...

Work or Study?

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