Nurul 1

Saturday, June 23, 2007

kalau dah jodoh.....

feeling so serene tonite..
after days of missing My Rainbow,
i finally met him earlier today..

ilang kejap rindu i, u...;)

it was only a quick meeting coz tomorrow's e day..
im excited!
will be spending e whole day together...
(also with some friends, later on in the evening)


just want to share something with all of you..
a few days back, i ACTUALLY realised im 23 years old!!
tak pahaaam kaann...

i die-die thought that im 22...
i was writing down my profile when i wrote 22 on the age box...

twenty three years old............
another 2 years time and i'll be 25...

25 tau....!?!
25 is like mid 20s..
where you are actually a VERY eligible bachelorette....

i remembered during my sch days where i planned to get married at the age of 25...
mentel eh...budak masih skolah pun pk bila nk kawen....
biasalah~~ adolescent lah katakan...


But now,
its totally a different issue...
Not only do i think of when to get married,
i get MAJOR goosebumps when most of my friends is getting or already gotten married...

it's exciting plus scary at the same time...

question is....
when will it be my time? ;)

will it be at the age i planned in sch, which is 25? (hope so :))
or will it be much much later in life, say, 30 or 50?(oops..erk..)
or will i never get the chance to experience it at all? (OMG!)

tricky babe..;)

truth is......
we'll just wait and see......;)

gtg have an early night....
cant wait to meet you tomorrow morning honey...:)

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