Yes, I've watched Nurkasih The Movie and the above quote is one of my fav. Im just going to add some more excitement to those who is yet to watch the movie. ;)
Okay, review time (trying to be as objective as possible okay) :)
Let's begin with the negatives first.
*The CGI effect in the movie could've have been better. I think Khabir Bhatia should hire KRU ppl to help with that. When the part of the movie was so heart-wrenching, where Adam was looking for Nur after their Train accident, I could not help but to feel slightly uneasy at the obviously unreal CGI effects. It was a distraction.
My hubby was laughing when he saw the man on fire. All sad and worried emotions I had, GONE!
*The scenes was a bit jumpy. It was here and there. One had to really focus on the storyline in order not to be lost in the whole story. For people who didnt watch the drama on TV and decided to watch the movie, it will take a while for you to get it.
Now, the good parts.
*I like how the story was unpredictable. It was unpredictable in a good way. There were parts where I gasp and gasp because I was shocked and there were also parts where I was angry and scolded the character (not too loud of course ;))
Also, there were some element of surprise at the end of the movie. You need to watch it to find out..;) I didnt expect the ending to be that way. But it was good for me.
*The movie provides a sense of closure for all Nurkasih fans. We can finally stop watching in peace; without worrying why is it like that and what is going to happen next, which brings me to my conclusion from watching the movie.
*Emotions. Seriously, Nurkasih really played with my emotions. When it is sad, IT IS sad. When it is sweet, IT IS sweet; the can-get-diabetes kinda sweet!. When it is touching, IT IS SUPER touching; the one that makes you feel like going to the screen and hug the screen thinking that you are hugging the character, for making you feel SO touched! I know I felt that way. I'll give you a clue to which part I felt touched: THE RING PART. ;)
What I conclude from the movie:
- Love is such a pure thing
- To love does not mean to own
- Rezeki is everywhere
- Jordan is gorgeous
- You can cheat death so many times but you WILL have to face death eventually. "Kullu Nafsin Za iqatul Maut"
- Never give up.
Perfect on-screen couple! I personally think Remy Ishak is the next Rosyam Nor. kehkehkeh..

The adorable kids! Clever acting and Cute Cute Cute!

So for my GFs who, like me, is a fan of Nurkasih, GO and watch it! Get a sense of closure..:)
Side note to my Hubby:
I know you're not into Nurkasih and not a fan of going into JB especially because of a movie like Nurkasih. But Thank you so much for bringing me there because I wanted to watch it so bad!
Caaaaaaaaaaaaaayang Awak! :)