Sunday, February 18, 2007

Tanpa keberanian mimpi tak bermakna

Home for the CNY hols..
till then, i'll be staying home,
sleeping, watching tv
spending time wif him..:)

I'd like to share something that crept into my mind in the middle of last night..

"Tanpa keberanian mimpi tak bermakna"

I dream of 'the' future almost everyday,
feeling blissed as if everything i desired in life will be in my hands,
life is not always a fairytale...
there are hindrances and craps that'll always try to make us give up..

should i give up?
i WONT...

'tanpa keberanian mimpi tak bermakna'

i'll be brave...
face all these with my utmost perseverance...
God help me..Insya Allah...

i kept having frequent headaches these few weeks..
is it stress?
too much worrying?
sometimes i feel like banging my head against the wall, HARD.

p/s: actifast anybody?

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