Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ahlan Wa Sahlan Ya Ramadhan

Salam 'Alaikum!

Ramadhan is back again. Let's welcome it humbly and with much happiness! :)
Ahlan Ahlan Ya Ramadhan! :)

Like other muslimin, muslimat, mu'minin and mu'minat,
I pray to Allah that I can achieve a better Ramadhan than previous years.
Oh Allah, please grant me the strength and health to perform my utmost best for this Ramadhan. 
Amin Amin Ya Allah.

Selamat menyambut Ramadhan dan menunaikan ibadah puasa dengan sebaik-baiknya..:)

Monday, July 25, 2011

I did it!

Sunday, 24th July 2011.
It was such a memorable day for me.
In my pursuit to lead a healthy lifestyle, i decided to join the annual SHAPE RUN 2011. I joined the 5km run..

Now, as someone who was not an avid jogger, i was a little worried..i thought i would give up feet was aching, my heartbeat so fast, my face red and sweaty and i was gasping for was really a challenge both physically and mentally.

Before the run, my heart was beating, i was nervous...luckily i had my husband there to give me his support..he had been my pillar of strength. :)

Throughout the run, i battled with myself..part of me was giving up, another part was telling me to keep going, never give up and that i can do this...i even chugged 3 cups of isotonic drinks, which i so despise! :s Just for the sake of finishing the run..

Just when i hit the 4km mark, i saw my husband standing there waiting for me, my morale was definitely boosted! *i know im so drama, as if im running in a marathon!* but it was my first time, and i knew i had to do my best even if it is just for fun..:D

Finally! When i saw the finishing line, i ran like i never ran before, well partly because i badly need to pee! Haha..

Finishers were given a medal! When i looked at it, i felt a surged of emotion. I had finished a 5km run and proved to myself that i can do it! :D :D

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Monday, July 18, 2011

Patience, My Dear Girl, Patience

Patience is virtue.
We are always tested and challenged in many ways, everyday without fail.
Sometimes we just feel like giving up.
We ask.

As I grow older, I think I lost my patience somewhere along the road.
This is too much! why are they doing this to me?why cant I just get what I want?
why is it so hard to achieve my dreams? Why is this happening to me?
There's just too many WHYs in my life.

And then, a few days ago, it struck me like a lightning.
Patience, my dear girl, patience.

Patience is not about waiting, but keeping the good attitude while waiting.
What have I been doing while waiting?
I have been questioning too many things, which I myself am shameful for.

Not everything that we want will be good for us,
and not everything that we don't, is not good for us.
Only He knows best.

And then I told myself,
Patience, my dear girl, be patient.

Good things will come to those who wait. :)